Wednesday, October 14, 2015

INSECTULA -One of the best indie Horror films to come around in a long time.

INSECTULA as a reviewer of Indie Horror for many years, I must say this is a serious breath of fresh air, while so many trendi clicks are going on in the genre and so many filmmkaers are getting way more credit they deserve, Finally comes something that not many with few exceptions manage to pull off and pull off well & that is a good old Monster Creature Feature!
First I wanna post a synopsis:
A giant alien mosquito-type insect is drawn to earth from the CO2 pollution in search of blood. Del, a government agent, loses loved ones to the creature and is on a personal vendetta while the Dr. Kempler is captivated by it and attempts to help the creature cleanse the earth.
First off this film comes from first time director of a full length feature Michael Peterson
who also did all the visual F/X The Monsters in this film are amazing everything about this film is amazing and rather go to a shiester distributor who will take 3/4 of your money In Every case he was smart enough to self Distribute from his own studio.
Insectula Starts off with Government agent Del at the beach with his loved one, while she's going for a nice little swim BOOM a Meteor or is it crashes in the water. We later see Her body torn to pieces and the Vendetta begins. As the film Progresses we are introduced to Dr kempler Who at first seems to try & help Del but all the time you can sense he is Mad, although the film is a little campy at times it is done perfect and hits the nail on the head, The Monsters are amazing the story is great with a terrific Twist ending leaving you hoping for a follow-up, This director has a ton of talent & i really would love to see more from this guy.
I highly recommend this film if you love Creature features & some Great Gore and just a good fun Horror Sci Fi Then absolutely buy this film.
I think after viewing the trailer you'll know what I mean.

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